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Summer of Trade Shows

One of our favourite things about having a design company is exhibiting at trade shows! From designing the stand, to set up, to meeting new and familiar faces - we love everything about it.

This summer took us to Shoppe Object in New York and Top Drawer in London. We're sharing a small insight into the world of trade shows and tips on designing and setting up stands if you're at the start of your exhibition journey.

First stop in August was Shoppe Object in New York. Located in their riverside home in downtown Manhattan Shoppe Object has spectacular views across the Hudson, a beautiful backdrop for a dynamic fair.

This year we debuted our Idle Hands collection at Shoppe Object and were so pleased with the response from our customers. We also had fresh new colours for our Reversible Vases - adding vibrancy to the clean white stand.

Shoppe Object provide the furniture for the stands which is hugely helpful when travelling to overseas trade shows. We have vinyl cut for the walls to add information and branding to the stand. We use Mr Sticker, a company local to us in Saltash, Cornwall.

We also made a brought small plywood shelves and brackets to elevate our products. Our POS boards help tell the story of our products - we always use Digital Printing for our printed marketing material. They have super speedy delivery and the quality is always great - we also print postcards to give away on the stand.

Next stop London for Top Drawer! This stand is slight shorter in length so requires more depth from the plinths to display our products.

We had these plywood plinths made - they travel as flat sheets ready to be slotted together on arrival - never straight forward after a 5.30am start and 4 hour drive up from Cornwall! But they are great for storing bags, coats and boxes and they are hollow.

The light in Olympia is always beautiful due to the gorgeous glass domed roof - however we supplement this with extra lighting to make sure our products shine on the darker days.

Needless to say by the end of the summer we were experts in resetting our circular domino rally!! Visitors couldn't resist knocking it down to animate the colour gradient! We love to see customers and exhibitors interacting with the new products and keeping idle hands busy as intended!